CEO Communication Coach reveals the secrets of influence

There’s no magic involved! Firstly, let me debunk a myth. There is no elusive, mysterious quality to being a compelling speaker or a compelling leader. As a long-standing CEO Communication Coach, I say this with confidence: I’ve researched it academically and practically with leaders from all over the world.   There is no X-factor, or … Read more

Raise your reputation through leadership and communication

Executive presentation coaching for senior executives

Your greatest leadership asset Leadership and communication are inextricably linked with personal reputation. Your reputation as a business leader plays a crucial role in whether your company thrives or dies. Reputation is undoubtedly your greatest leadership asset. Today I’ll examine what I call the ‘reputation phenomenon’. I’ll explore the overall impact of leadership reputation and how this … Read more

Achieve agreement: six words work wonders

Achieve agreement, supported by just six words

Create clarity – use a helicopter view In communication terms, clarity is everything. Most of the time, this means explaining the implications of something rather than the details. However, when you work with data, it’s easy to lose sight of the implications – and who doesn’t work with data these days? If you can’t see … Read more

Sleep and influence: a sorely overlooked partnership

Sleep and influence: a strong partnership but not great bedfellows

Sleep makes you more successful Every now and again life-changing concepts seem to appear out of nowhere. For me, a scientific book, “Why We Sleep”, written for laypeople, has really opened my eyes to the personal and professional value of sleeping well. Professionally, I’m fascinated by the very clear links between sleep and influence. These … Read more

Why CEO influence relies on a rich, healthy voice

A healthy voice will never let you down when you need it most. An unhealthy voice risks failure.

The links between voice and impact are indisputable Research shows that CEOs with deeper voices are more successful, and that the CEO’s voice affects how investors perceive the company. In fact, the voice of a CEO appears to have a major impact on all stakeholders. For anyone leading a company, a healthy voice is de … Read more

How CEOs can unearth a valuable, strong key message

Sift your information carefully to yield a strong key message.

Are you a Senior Executive who’s missing the point? You can’t influence without a strong key message. Yet leading executives often struggle to find a golden nugget of information to convey. My clients have a ‘light bulb moment’ when I show them how to frame their ideas differently to achieve buy-in. As one CEO told … Read more

Animal violence in office jargon (and other unpardonable offences)

Sad pug puppy: too much animal violence in office jargon

Fighting talk at the desk I’ve noticed recently that seemingly innocent office jargon is evolving into a series of offensive metaphors. Workplace slang increasingly features horrific violence – the bloodier and gorier the better. For example, it’s no longer good enough to work with a ‘cutting edge’ company. These days, ‘bleeding edge’ is de rigeur. We … Read more

CEO branding: how to win hearts and minds

CEO branding: how do you want to be seen as a leader?

Build your individual brand for corporate success  In today’s world it is no longer enough for a CEO to deliver financial performance alone. As CEO, you are also judged on your ability to enhance intangible assets and create non-financial returns. This depends on the effectiveness of your CEO branding. Influential and well-respected CEOs build personal … Read more

CEO communication: an unspoken challenge for Financial Services

CEO communication in financial services is not just standing on stage and presenting

Lack of emphasis on great communication CEO communication is a significant consideration for most business leaders, with many Chief Executives placing heavy emphasis on interpersonal communication, both internally and externally. Most support the philosophy of software CEO, Sarah Nahm, who says: “I don’t think there’s anything a leader can invest in more than thinking about … Read more