Leadership communication: taking the rap for failure

Leadership communication to end all leadership communication: the resignation speech assessed

Party leaders resign: the final leadership communication Well who would have thought it? The pollsters are navel gazing and self-flagellating for getting the election results so overwhelmingly wrong. For the first time in nearly 20 years, the Conservatives are in charge of the UK, sweeping aside memories of the past 5 years of coalition government. And the … Read more

Crank up your speech volume for leadership and power

No-one hears a quiet mumbling leader. With speech volume cranked up, you’re on the road to success.

My favourite aspect of leadership communication coaching is hearing my clients experience the beautiful ‘Aha!’ moment when they realise they can take their speech volume and their vocal richness to a totally different level. Rose buds spontaneously burst open, church bells peal out and fireworks explode every time a client suddenly ‘gets it’. And ‘getting … Read more

Confidence coaching crushes presentation fears

Confidence coaching can help you conquer the public speaking fear holding back your career.

Fear of public speaking (glossophobia) is one of the world’s leading anxieties – outranked only by the fear of snakes. But while snakes are a potentially life-threatening hazard, of which it is entirely reasonable to be scared, getting up to give a presentation holds no such dangerous threats. Luckily, fear of public speaking can be resolved through a process of specialist … Read more

Who’s next at Number 10?

Our impact coaching specialist assesses the TV performance of the next person to live at No 10.

If performance style at tonight’s debate between seven prospective British Prime Ministers is anything to go by, we could soon be seeing UKIP leader Nigel Farage picking up the key to 10 Downing Street. Now before we go any further, I want to point out that this is not a reflection of my political affiliations. As … Read more

Reputation is in the eye of the beholder

CEO media training can empower you to play the media game and boost your reputation.

Journalists looking for comments or analysis tend to wheel out their favourite spokesperson every time a relevant story hits the headlines. To the media audience that spokesperson becomes just like a chart hit – a song repeated so many times that it seeps into your subconscious. Its familiarity means you start to like it, and … Read more

Disastrous interviews: our ghoulish fascination

It’s all too easy to slip up in broadcast interviews without executive media training to support you.

My last post mentioned the leader of the UK’s Green Party, Natalie Bennett, and her catastrophic pre-election interviews where she clearly didn’t have a clue about the subject under discussion. But what is it about an appalling interview that piques our interest? Why do we enjoy cringing at someone else’s misfortune? Or perhaps ‘enjoy’ is too … Read more

Come on Cameron – camera shy? I don’t believe it.

David Cameron refuses TV debate: media training for leaders would give him confidence to face his rivals.

Shame on British Prime Minister David Cameron for refusing to take part in a series of pre-election TV debates with rival party leaders, when he pushed so strongly for debate five years ago as Leader of the Opposition. It was all very well to advocate TV debates and to air his views when he had nothing to lose. But now, … Read more