Come on Cameron – camera shy? I don’t believe it.

David Cameron refuses TV debate: media training for leaders would give him confidence to face his rivals.

Shame on British Prime Minister David Cameron for refusing to take part in a series of pre-election TV debates with rival party leaders, when he pushed so strongly for debate five years ago as Leader of the Opposition. It was all very well to advocate TV debates and to air his views when he had nothing to lose. But now, … Read more

Reputation is in the eye of the beholder

CEO media training can empower you to play the media game and boost your reputation.

Journalists looking for comments or analysis tend to wheel out their favourite spokesperson every time a relevant story hits the headlines. To the media audience that spokesperson becomes just like a chart hit – a song repeated so many times that it seeps into your subconscious. Its familiarity means you start to like it, and … Read more

Politics and body language

Can body language really affect election results? When people assess politicians in the media, physicality and body language have a significant, albeit subtle effect. It’s said they can swing a close-call election, although this is controversial. The claim arises from the very first televised leadership debate, which took place in the US in September 1960. Around 70 million viewers watched … Read more

Who’s next at Number 10?

Our impact coaching specialist assesses the TV performance of the next person to live at No 10.

If performance style at tonight’s debate between seven prospective British Prime Ministers is anything to go by, we could soon be seeing UKIP leader Nigel Farage picking up the key to 10 Downing Street. Now before we go any further, I want to point out that this is not a reflection of my political affiliations. As … Read more

Effective messaging: why so many fail

Effective messaging: you’re dead in the water without it

Read on for my offer of free individual advice With hundreds of business communications demanding our attention each week, and thousands of marketing messages every day, we forget most of what we see, hear and read. Even pictures – said to be worth a thousand words – are sometimes of little value in the long run. … Read more

Public speaking anxiety shuts down the brain

How public speaking anxiety can shut down part of the brain and make us slip up when giving a talk

The root of public speaking anxiety revealed Scientists have just discovered that when someone is watching you perform, or even when you think you are being watched, an important part of your brain switches off. It’s called the inferior parietal cortex (IPC), and it’s situated in the outer part of the brain near the top and … Read more

Outstanding Results

Leadership Development Courses That Raise Profits Increasing your influence: outstanding results Academic research has demonstrated that Helen Sewell’s leadership development methods and unique techniques for  enhancing personal impact can dramatically increase profits – a result no other Executive Communication Coach can demonstrate. Helen scientifically tested the value of her work by training a team of sales … Read more

The edible means to effective meetings

The Edible Means to Effective Communication

The benefits of biscuits for effective meetings Biscuits are apparently the king of effective meetings. Survey after survey has underlined that the better the biscuit, the better the meeting. This doesn’t mean that the world’s most expensive biscuit will net you that multi-million dollar deal. In fact the world’s most expensive biscuit is probably inedible, … Read more

Why CEO influence relies on a rich, healthy voice

A healthy voice will never let you down when you need it most. An unhealthy voice risks failure.

The links between voice and impact are indisputable Research shows that CEOs with deeper voices are more successful, and that the CEO’s voice affects how investors perceive the company. In fact, the voice of a CEO appears to have a major impact on all stakeholders. For anyone leading a company, a healthy voice is de … Read more

Accelerating Agreement

Business Communication Coaching: The Art Of Buy-In Getting people on side effectively Great leaders exert influence by understanding people and recognising what makes them tick. Others are much more likely to follow your suggestions if you tell them what they want to hear. Inspirational content tends to succeed where flat, lacklustre details fail. Unfortunately people don’t … Read more