How to present with PowerPoint for maximum impact

Present with Powerpoint successfully

Perform to impress Are you a slide-reader? Does PowerPoint tear your gaze away from the room and force you to stare backwards at the wall behind you? Go on, admit it. I bet you spend far too long looking your slide deck and not enough time connecting with your audience. I’m sure you’ve attended numerous Death … Read more

The Influence Boost Workshop

Game-Changing Executive Communication Training Group training that empowers your Executives to influence Brilliant communication can drive sales, aid strategic partnerships and facilitate the recruitment and retention of talent. And it can do much more besides, of course. Yet thousands, if not millions of executives have untapped communication potential. Our executive communication training has significant results: increased … Read more

Reputation is in the eye of the beholder

CEO media training can empower you to play the media game and boost your reputation.

Journalists looking for comments or analysis tend to wheel out their favourite spokesperson every time a relevant story hits the headlines. To the media audience that spokesperson becomes just like a chart hit – a song repeated so many times that it seeps into your subconscious. Its familiarity means you start to like it, and … Read more

CEO branding: how to win hearts and minds

CEO branding: how do you want to be seen as a leader?

Build your individual brand for corporate success  In today’s world it is no longer enough for a CEO to deliver financial performance alone. As CEO, you are also judged on your ability to enhance intangible assets and create non-financial returns. This depends on the effectiveness of your CEO branding. Influential and well-respected CEOs build personal … Read more

Speaking With Impact

Executive Presence and Gravitas Training Become an inspiring speaker Why do some leaders stand out above others? What gives them a powerful presence? How do they command respect? How do they achieve their authority and gravitas? Why are they so engaging and inspiring? What do they have that you don’t? The answer is probably nothing. … Read more

Brilliant communication comes in threes

Brilliant communication relies on three salient principles: persuasion, style and structure

The power of three The number three: it’s lucky for some, magical for others, powerful for us all. Three is seriously useful to achieve brilliant communication. When you want people to hear your words, understand your point and buy into your message, you just can’t beat a good three. Our brains are hard-wired to recognise … Read more

Crisis communications: reducing reputational damage

How to ensure your crisis communications minimise the damage to your corporate reputation

When it hits the fan Crises happen. Despite the best-laid plans, there is always an opportunity for something to fail: often systems, people and/or finances. The big number in the news this week is 400,000. 400,000 Ryanair passengers are likely to have their flights cancelled after the Irish budget airline messed up its pilots’ holiday … Read more