Responding Influentially

Effective Communication Training For Great Responses Your words, your reputation The words and messages you convey are fundamental, whether you are responding to ideas at a meeting, being interviewed on TV or holding a Q&A session after a presentation. Your words have a major impact on how you are perceived. They influence your reputation. Our … Read more

Accelerating Agreement

Business Communication Coaching: The Art Of Buy-In Getting people on side effectively Great leaders exert influence by understanding people and recognising what makes them tick. Others are much more likely to follow your suggestions if you tell them what they want to hear. Inspirational content tends to succeed where flat, lacklustre details fail. Unfortunately people don’t … Read more

Specialist Practical Advice

Free e-Course on Executive Communication Skills Enhancing your executive communication skills successfully If you want to become more influential, increase your chances of success and raise your reputation, you’ve come to the right place. Confident, charismatic speakers are more likely to succeed. And by taking advantage of our top-level coaching expertise, credentials and experience, our … Read more

The Presentation Saviour Intensive

Senior Executive Presentation Coaching Empowering you to influence and inspire Concerned about a critical presentation? Worried how your nerves might affect you? Anxious you won’t give a good performance? Afraid you might not get buy-in to your ideas? Apprehensive about the consequences? The world’s greatest presenters exploit a number of simple skills to get people … Read more

Who’s next at Number 10?

Our impact coaching specialist assesses the TV performance of the next person to live at No 10.

If performance style at tonight’s debate between seven prospective British Prime Ministers is anything to go by, we could soon be seeing UKIP leader Nigel Farage picking up the key to 10 Downing Street. Now before we go any further, I want to point out that this is not a reflection of my political affiliations. As … Read more

Active listening – the Achilles’ heel of leadership

Active listening is vital for successful business leaders

The active listening habits of leaders "Most of the successful people I've known”, said Bernard Baruch, financier and political adviser, “are the ones who do more listening than talking". His observations were astute. Academic research indicates that leaders really are better listeners. They listen with an open mind, without becoming emotional or defensive. Studies show … Read more

Listening Productively

Effective Listening Enhances Business Relationships The importance of active listening Effective listening is otherwise known as active listening. And it’s linked with business success. With it, you will move conversations forwards, encourage open-minded thinking and creativity and get to the heart of the matter more effectively. You will enhance your skills of influencing, persuading and … Read more

Inspiring Voice

Expert Vocal Coaching for a Rich, Resonant Voice To establish an authoritative gravitas and make a significant impact with your words, it is fundamental to use your voice to optimum effect. Your voice, your body language and your words play equally important roles in helping you speak with impact. Vocal coaching forms an integral part … Read more

Crystal Clarity

Creating Clear Speech for Impact Clear speech with crystal clarity Clear speech is vital for successful leaders. Yet all too often people mumble or rush their words and therefore fail to sound authoritative or convincing. If you are guilty of this, Helen Sewell will show you how to overcome the issue and make sure you … Read more