Our Unique Expertise

Executive Communication Coach for Business Leaders Simply Speaking was founded in 2003 by the award-winning BBC journalist and professional communication skills specialist Helen Sewell. As an Executive Communication Coach with a background in investigative journalism, Helen identified that business leaders were failing to communicate effectively, and as a result their companies were struggling to flourish. … Read more

Authoritative Confidence

Executive Confidence Coaching To Boost Performance Exude confidence, banish fear of public speaking and media interviews Successful leaders exude confidence – sometimes quiet confidence, sometimes flamboyant confidence. Always authoritative confidence and gravitas. Yet a large proportion of high-level Executives suffer in silence from secret public speaking nerves and media interview anxiety. In recent surveys of British … Read more

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Your e-course is on its way Please watch your email box for our tips, tools and techniques Thank you for signing up for our free e-course to learn how to boost your influence. We’ll now send you a quick email asking you to confirm that you’re happy to receive our free fortnightly e-lessons. Do look … Read more

Executive Communication Programs

With Our Unique Communication Specialist The art and science of influence and impact Simply Speaking teaches leaders the art and science of influence and impact. Our experience shows that there is an excellent communicator in all of us … even if it is sometimes buried deep. Our Director, Helen Sewell, is an unparalleled leadership communication specialist … Read more

Executive Communication Coaching for Leaders

Communicate as successfully as the global best If your top people could communicate as successfully as the global best, what value would this bring to your organisation? Simply Speaking empowers leaders to communicate with influence and impact. This increases efficiency and productivity and can have a profound effect on profitability. Brilliant business communicators lead to … Read more

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A reconfirmation email is on its way Please watch your email box for the last step Thank you for signing up for our free e-course to learn how to boost your influence. We’ll now send you a quick email asking you to confirm that you’re happy to receive our free fortnightly e-lessons. Do look out … Read more

Active listening – the Achilles’ heel of leadership

Active listening is vital for successful business leaders

The active listening habits of leaders "Most of the successful people I've known”, said Bernard Baruch, financier and political adviser, “are the ones who do more listening than talking". His observations were astute. Academic research indicates that leaders really are better listeners. They listen with an open mind, without becoming emotional or defensive. Studies show … Read more

Disastrous interviews: our ghoulish fascination

It’s all too easy to slip up in broadcast interviews without executive media training to support you.

My last post mentioned the leader of the UK’s Green Party, Natalie Bennett, and her catastrophic pre-election interviews where she clearly didn’t have a clue about the subject under discussion. But what is it about an appalling interview that piques our interest? Why do we enjoy cringing at someone else’s misfortune? Or perhaps ‘enjoy’ is too … Read more

CEO communication: an unspoken challenge for Financial Services

CEO communication in financial services is not just standing on stage and presenting

Lack of emphasis on great communication CEO communication is a significant consideration for most business leaders, with many Chief Executives placing heavy emphasis on interpersonal communication, both internally and externally. Most support the philosophy of software CEO, Sarah Nahm, who says: “I don’t think there’s anything a leader can invest in more than thinking about … Read more

Crank up your speech volume for leadership and power

No-one hears a quiet mumbling leader. With speech volume cranked up, you’re on the road to success.

My favourite aspect of leadership communication coaching is hearing my clients experience the beautiful ‘Aha!’ moment when they realise they can take their speech volume and their vocal richness to a totally different level. Rose buds spontaneously burst open, church bells peal out and fireworks explode every time a client suddenly ‘gets it’. And ‘getting … Read more