Executive presence counts (in just two seconds)

It takes just two seconds for you to make an impression through Executive Presence

Win hearts and minds through executive presence You have just two seconds to make an impression. Two seconds to make a lasting impression that counts. In the first two seconds of meeting you or watching you speak, people will get a gut instinct about you. And research shows that initial gut instinct is usually accurate … Read more

The role of movement in successful communication

Solving a movement riddle to create more successful communication

The impact of physical activity It’s well known that children’s creativity is enhanced by moving. But does the same apply to adults? Does physical activity increase our ability to think laterally and creatively? And if so, how can that benefit our communication? Physical activity at work can have very positive effects. Incorporating a few basic … Read more

Politics and body language

Can body language really affect election results? When people assess politicians in the media, physicality and body language have a significant, albeit subtle effect. It’s said they can swing a close-call election, although this is controversial. The claim arises from the very first televised leadership debate, which took place in the US in September 1960. Around 70 million viewers watched … Read more

Animal violence in office jargon (and other unpardonable offences)

Sad pug puppy: too much animal violence in office jargon

Fighting talk at the desk I’ve noticed recently that seemingly innocent office jargon is evolving into a series of offensive metaphors. Workplace slang increasingly features horrific violence – the bloodier and gorier the better. For example, it’s no longer good enough to work with a ‘cutting edge’ company. These days, ‘bleeding edge’ is de rigeur. We … Read more

CEO communication: an unspoken challenge for Financial Services

CEO communication in financial services is not just standing on stage and presenting

Lack of emphasis on great communication CEO communication is a significant consideration for most business leaders, with many Chief Executives placing heavy emphasis on interpersonal communication, both internally and externally. Most support the philosophy of software CEO, Sarah Nahm, who says: “I don’t think there’s anything a leader can invest in more than thinking about … Read more

The attractive voice: boardroom authority or bedroom appeal?

Influential or just plain sexy? The attractive voice in men

The vocal attraction of business leaders and Hollywood stars Powerful men are attractive. There’s no doubt about it. We’ve all seen media photos of beautiful women draped around very ordinary-looking guys who just happen to be highly successful. Money may well come into it but if those men communicate for a living – whether they are … Read more

The authentic voice in politics

The influence of the authentic voice

Oxymoron or reality? When we hear someone speak, our immediate gut feeling tells us whether we should trust them. Research suggests we should listen to our initial instincts – they’re stunningly accurate. But can we be misled by political performance posing as true leadership? Do we delude ourselves that we hear an authentic voice when in … Read more

Stimulating Sounds

Executive Voice Coaching for Engaging Speech The natural music of the voice Musical ups and downs are vital for vibrant, enthusiastic communication, and even the least musical of people can make their speech more melodic. As well as vocal volume and clarity the musicality of your voice is fundamental if you want to keep people … Read more

Creating Powerful Interactions

Leadership Communication That Achieves Results Make all your communications meaningful and successful Interacting powerfully with others to influence and inspire involves three fundamental aspects of communication: Active listening for greater understanding and awareness Creative questioning for exactly the same reasons Responding influentially by conveying appropriate, effective words and messages. Linking the three processes of listening, … Read more

Delighted Testimonials

Executive Communication Coaching Testimonials Simply Speaking provides the highest level of leadership communication coaching for Senior Executives and CEOs. When you can demonstrate superb communication skills to your colleagues, clients and stakeholders, you’ll demonstrate authority, power and warmth. And you’ll receive respect and admiration in return. Increasing your influence can have significant results. It can … Read more