Animal violence in office jargon (and other unpardonable offences)

Sad pug puppy: too much animal violence in office jargon

Fighting talk at the desk I’ve noticed recently that seemingly innocent office jargon is evolving into a series of offensive metaphors. Workplace slang increasingly features horrific violence – the bloodier and gorier the better. For example, it’s no longer good enough to work with a ‘cutting edge’ company. These days, ‘bleeding edge’ is de rigeur. We … Read more

Sleep and influence: a sorely overlooked partnership

Sleep and influence: a strong partnership but not great bedfellows

Sleep makes you more successful Every now and again life-changing concepts seem to appear out of nowhere. For me, a scientific book, “Why We Sleep”, written for laypeople, has really opened my eyes to the personal and professional value of sleeping well. Professionally, I’m fascinated by the very clear links between sleep and influence. These … Read more

The edible means to effective meetings

The Edible Means to Effective Communication

The benefits of biscuits for effective meetings Biscuits are apparently the king of effective meetings. Survey after survey has underlined that the better the biscuit, the better the meeting. This doesn’t mean that the world’s most expensive biscuit will net you that multi-million dollar deal. In fact the world’s most expensive biscuit is probably inedible, … Read more

Questioning Creatively

Expert Questioning Techniques Achieve Objectives Fast The importance of creative questioning Business leaders who ask the right questions, in the right way, to the right people, can assess much more easily how to achieve their objectives. At its most simplistic, the basis of questioning creatively involves: Thinking about what you don’t know, and what you … Read more

Stimulating Sounds

Executive Voice Coaching for Engaging Speech The natural music of the voice Musical ups and downs are vital for vibrant, enthusiastic communication, and even the least musical of people can make their speech more melodic. As well as vocal volume and clarity the musicality of your voice is fundamental if you want to keep people … Read more

Creating Powerful Interactions

Leadership Communication That Achieves Results Make all your communications meaningful and successful Interacting powerfully with others to influence and inspire involves three fundamental aspects of communication: Active listening for greater understanding and awareness Creative questioning for exactly the same reasons Responding influentially by conveying appropriate, effective words and messages. Linking the three processes of listening, … Read more

Vital Volume

Developing Voice Projection and Vocal Richness Voice projection for louder speech Do you ever struggle to make yourself heard? Do people ask you to repeat yourself? Is your speech volume dial turned down? As an integral part of our leadership communication programs, Helen Sewell will show you some simple, practical steps to develop your voice … Read more

Speaking With Impact

Executive Presence and Gravitas Training Become an inspiring speaker Why do some leaders stand out above others? What gives them a powerful presence? How do they command respect? How do they achieve their authority and gravitas? Why are they so engaging and inspiring? What do they have that you don’t? The answer is probably nothing. … Read more

Inspiring Voice

Expert Vocal Coaching for a Rich, Resonant Voice To establish an authoritative gravitas and make a significant impact with your words, it is fundamental to use your voice to optimum effect. Your voice, your body language and your words play equally important roles in helping you speak with impact. Vocal coaching forms an integral part … Read more

Responding Influentially

Effective Communication Training For Great Responses Your words, your reputation The words and messages you convey are fundamental, whether you are responding to ideas at a meeting, being interviewed on TV or holding a Q&A session after a presentation. Your words have a major impact on how you are perceived. They influence your reputation. Our … Read more