Effective messaging: why so many fail

Effective messaging: you’re dead in the water without it

Read on for my offer of free individual advice With hundreds of business communications demanding our attention each week, and thousands of marketing messages every day, we forget most of what we see, hear and read. Even pictures – said to be worth a thousand words – are sometimes of little value in the long run. … Read more

Authoritative Confidence

Executive Confidence Coaching To Boost Performance Exude confidence, banish fear of public speaking and media interviews Successful leaders exude confidence – sometimes quiet confidence, sometimes flamboyant confidence. Always authoritative confidence and gravitas. Yet a large proportion of high-level Executives suffer in silence from secret public speaking nerves and media interview anxiety. In recent surveys of British … Read more

Helen’s Blog

Communication in Leadership Hello and welcome to my blog, which aims to support excellent communication in leadership. It’s great to get the chance to air my views on how people communicate – particularly those in the public eye, who should certainly be held to account for their communication style. Superb communication is fundamental for smooth-running, successful companies, and the … Read more